House of Mirrors: Al Franken resigns. Roy Moore gets $$ from the RNC.
House of Horrors, I: You’re sitting on a plane and the guy in the seat next to you–he has what looks like a dead, stuffed chipmunk on his head, or is that his hair?–tries to put his hand up your skirt (unfortunately for Donald Trump, Jessica Leeds is for real, and really credible).
House of Horrors, II: After similarly assaulting god knows how many more women–according to him, he’s famous so they like it–said guy with said dead, stuffed chipmunk on his head occupies the Oval Office. A majority of white, married women in this country voted for him.
W.T.F., America? W.T.F!?
I’m sorry, all two of my dear readers, I truly am–I know I post about this stuff way too much. I promise to talk about something else next week. Really, truly. I promise.